Friday, April 9, 2010

I starved my cats...but now they love me

This week has been one of those mundane, get-through-the-routine weeks in my life, which is probably why I haven't had much to say lately. I babysat crabby little boys with runny noses, had some painful contractions (not to worry, though, everything is ok), and have been exhausted most of the time. But every week has its highlights, so here are a few of mine...

1.) I had an appointment with the Midwives this morning and Eric came with me this time since I was so overwhelmed when I had come home last time...and we ended up waiting for over an hour for an appointment that lasted all of 7 minutes and was slightly impersonal (which is not usually the case...) and did not leave me feeling at ease. Our baby is measuring a little small, but they are going to wait until my next appointment to see the growth and give me an ultrasound if it hasn't grown as much as it should have, since all has been normal so far. It is still as active as ever, though, and is head down, so no worries on that end!

2.) After an entire winter of trying to coax my geraniums to bloom, and failing miserably, they finally decided to give it a try as soon as it was April. Maybe they were just in hibernation or something. I like to think I know about gardening and plants, but let's be honest. I don't have a clue. Lucky for me, geraniums seem to be the only plant that my cats won't eat! And now that they are blooming again, they make the house feel a bit more cheerful.

3.) This week last year, I had my senior art show. This week this year, I finally sold my first piece of art!!!! Granted, it was a piece commissioned by my Aunt and Uncle, but they paid me for it, so it counts! Here it is lying on our dining room table. It is a 2 ft. by 4 ft. piece of Masonite that is cut into 5 pieces. The background was painted in acrylics, using various texturing techniques, and the tree is painted with India Ink that I applied to the board by blowing air through a straw with Tree of Life by yellowrose87.
my mouth. I was basically making a big version of this tree, which was up in my show last year. It was created in the same way, by blowing the ink around on the board's surface. It is by far my favorite way to make tree silhouettes, which, if you have seen any of my other work, you know that I am slightly obsessed with! :) Although I haven't updated it with recent work (most of which is still in the making...) here is the link to my flickr site in case you want to see more!

4.) This photo is for Kate. This is one of my buttermilk dinner rolls that I baked for Easter dinner last weekend. They were a huge hit! I was really impressed by how professional-looking they turned out! The recipe is from Marcy Goldman's Passion for Baking book, which I spend my down time reading like a novel (yes, yet another confession: I read cookbooks for pleasure reading :).

5.) I came into the dining room the other day and found Jack sleeping like this. He cracks me up. Out of all the comfy places to sleep in our apartment, he chooses to sleep half on top of several books, and squished between candles, picture frames, and games. What a weirdo! Cute, but weird.

6.) I starved my kitties for two days before I finally was able to feed them. I know. I am terrible. It's just that I had been telling Eric for the past week that they were almost out of food, but he didn't make any attempt to run to the store, and I was busy babysitting and was too tired to walk all the way there and back by the time I got home each night... So they starved for a while, and cried a lot until I finally made the trek to Jewel this morning and bought a little bag of food for them. They ate for like 10 minutes without stopping. And now they are sleeping with fat tummies and contented faces. I think they like me again! And don't worry mothers, I am sure that we will be less inclined to starve our children...

7.) I finally was able to talk with Alli on skype for the second time in months!!! We chatted for about an hour, while stray neighborhood kids ran through her house in the background... :P I miss her, but am happy that she is so blessed where she is right now.

8.) I took a huge leap of faith this week and called someone that the Lord has been laying on my heart for a few weeks now. I am going to lunch with this woman tomorrow and am praying that the Lord's presence will be with us and that I would love her as Christ loves her. Please pray with me that tomorrow will be a positive and uplifting experience!

9.) Was/am completely blessed by the presence of my sisters Elizabeth and Keziah in my life! We meet together for fellowship and prayer twice a month, and this week's meeting was truly rich and uplifting! Spiritual growth seems to be so much more rich when there are wonderful people to walk alongside. Eric and I are still waiting to hear from the Lord on a number of things, but in the meantime, we continue to be blessed...especially with the people in our lives.

10.) And last, but not least, I sat through ANOTHER Office re-run last night... Come on, guys! Really...that makes two re-runs in two weeks!

Today is cleaning up my apartment...the never ending saga...since I have a visitor coming tomorrow. And yes, sadly enough, the wax hands have to go. But don't worry, I will take a loving goodbye picture to remember always how they creepily graced our windowsill for two solid years....(ah, the sentiments of my college days as an art student...)

And that about does it.

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