Monday, September 24, 2012

Two Things.

1) I am a sneaky Mom. Lexi's immune system has been on the down low since she recovered from that crazy virus a few weeks ago. As soon as she was well again she came down with a bad cold. Snot everywhere. Because getting a two year old to eat raw greens (that are packed full of vitamins) is essentially impossible right now, I started making spinach smoothies. I know. You think it's gross. But let me tell you, these smoothies are AMAZING. Basically all it has in it is a banana, a handful of frozen strawberries, plain yogurt, juice from a freshly squeezed orange, a little whole milk, a teaspoon of honey, and about two cups worth of fresh baby spinach leaves. Green smoothie. The best part is, Lexi LOVES them (unlike when I used to puree spinach and put it in her oatmeal every morning, in the smoothie, you can't actually taste the spinach). We have been drinking them every morning for the last week for breakfast. I have actually noticed a marked improvement in my mood, my energy level, and the way I feel. I feel really really good (and I normally don't feel bad, but trust me, I feel a difference!). So I'm thinking we are going to be doing some more green smoothies around here.

2) Lexi fell in the toilet yesterday.
I had previously warned her that if she tried to use the toilet with the seat up she would fall in. But you know Lexi. She can't ever take my word for it. I knew what had happened as soon as I heard her yelling from the bathroom "MAMA!!!!! COME QUICK!!! IM STUUUUUUCK!!!!!! HEEEEEEEELP MEEEEEE!!!!"
Upon entering the bathroom, I find Lexi with her whole body in the toilet bowl, her arms and legs sticking straight up.
Being the wonderful caring Mom that I am, of course I started laughing and then told Lexi to "hold on a minute" (hahaha) while I went to get Eric so he could see and join in my amusement. He, incidentally, didn't find it all that funny, and quickly scooped her out and into the bathtub while I kept laughing. Seriously, I really must not be a nice Mom.

Lexi has been reminiscing all day and tells me about every half hour "Hey, Mama, you know what?  Remember when I fell in the toilet? And Daddy got me out? My clothes were really wet. Because I fell in the toilet. And I was stuck."

Yep. I remember.  (I might still be laughing...)


  1. Howling. In our family we have a phrase: you're a mean mommy to little people! I think you should teach this to Lexi. It seems apropos. Also, you should've taken a picture.

  2. Oohhh I wanna make green smoothies now!! They are so good for you but I had a bad experience with them once.... now I am curious. And Beth, I swear you have the funniest life. Lexi is a trip. You need to film her and send the video to America's funniest Home Videos ;) Maybe not....
