Saturday, September 22, 2012

Trump Card

Lexi throws tantrums like any average two-year-old. But she does have one trump card that she plays when she is REALLY mad at me or the situation. And of course, she does it most often when she is out in public.

The other day we were at the park and I told her that we were going to be heading home in a few minutes. Lexi doesn't always deal well with transition, especially when we are at the park and leaving was my idea and not hers. So she screams, runs around in a tantrum like way (arms waving all crazy while screaming and stamping feet...) and, of course, because she's really REALLY mad, she plays the trump card.

Down go the pants.
Down go the panties.

Hello little white buns.

Hello world.

Then there I am running over to her and pulling up her pants before any more of those other moms at the park can shoot me those "Oh-my-gosh-look-at-what-that-kid-is-doing" looks. And Lexi is looking at me with a mix of shame and triumph on her face. But it's a lose-lose situation for both of us, because she succeeds in embarrassing me, but earns a time out on the bench in the process. And as soon as she can't see my face anymore, I am usually trying really hard not to laugh at the whole situation in general.

Your kid may throw toys when he/she is angry, but my kid. MY kid, pulls down her pants and bears it all to really prove her point.

I am sensing some really awesome teenage years in our future. They can wait. ;)


  1. I love reading your posts! They are just plain delightful and they always make me smile.

  2. teehee. toddler streaking. always a favourite!
