Saturday, July 31, 2010

Yo soy un gray blob

I just discovered that my picture does not show up on any of the blogs that I am currently following. It makes me a little sad. Especially since some people I know don't realize that my last name has changed since getting married. Instead, my name looks like this random stranger in a gray blobby profile that even I would personally be scared to know, let alone recognize. So friends, if you read this, know that I am not going to come and steal your children. (my own child keeps me busy enough as it is!) And while I may resemble that grey blobbiferous profile on my worst days, it's not me. I promise.

On a happier note, I baked some heavenly chocolate banana bread this morning while Eric was out on a photo shoot. My apartment now smells like chocolate magnificence, which has tempted me successfully to eat half of one of the spongy loaves. I should really stop taking advice from yummy chocolate goodness. It never ends well. For the chocolate, that is. ;)

Edit: figured out the problem. go me.

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