Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Truly Golden

Yesterday was a truly golden birthday. I turned 23, didn't cry about it, but also didn't feel any different either. Katie can't figure out why that is, and neither can I. But I had fun all the same!

Highlights of my golden day:

1) Welcomed in the 3rd trimester and found out I have gained 4 pounds in the past month. They say that's a good thing, but to me it was.....thrilling....

2) I heard our baby's heartbeat again. Strong, consistent, and LOUD! This baby definitely like to make itself known!

3) Went to lunch with a handsome devil at my favorite Chicago restaurant - Italian Village - which has the atmosphere of sitting outside in the moonlight under the stars in Tuscan Italy... and ate the most delicious Lasagna!!!

4) Then Eric bought me stuff at Blick and told me what my birthday present is (it is still in the mail)!!!! Printmaking supplies!!!!! I am so excited to get carving!!!

5) The sun came out on the L ride home, and filled our apartment with golden light until it set behind the buildings.

6) Watched "The women tell all" episode of the Bachelor and laughed my head off, making fun of all the pathetic women who honestly try to find love on television...haha!

7) Drank up to my allotted 8 glasses of water for the day and then promptly threw up 10 minutes later after the last three.

8) Washed the puke off my body and clothes in the shower after washing the entirety of the toilet afterwards as well... (thank you stomach, for your projectile-style celebration of my birthday...just what I always wanted)

9) Felt much better after that and played Railroad Tycoon with Eric while sipping Ginger Ale and got smoked as usual by 12 points that I just couldn't get.

10) The baby experimented with my belly turning it into a giant jello jiggler as soon as I got into bed... I had to "Rock" my baby to sleep by pacing my bedroom so I could lay down comfortably without it turning three flips a second and kicking every major organ I have...

11) Fell asleep and had a dream I fell out of a boat in a crocodile-infested river.

12) Woke up in Eric's arms. Much better than a crocodile's jaws. I love that boy.

And that was my Golden Birthday. Happy 23 to me!

It was a good one. ;)

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