Monday, May 27, 2013

Birthday bash, part 1

[Disclaimer: The birthday posts are by request of the grandparents, therefore feel free to skip as the next two days will be filled with pictures of my adorable children and not a whole lot else.]

My baby had her first birthday well over a month ago. We had a small family celebration, with a breakfast of oven pancakes and warm blueberry muffins.

And here you have some lunch pictures with a cute funny face accompanied by smears of cauliflower and carrots and broccoli. Yes, I make my kids eat veggies on their birthdays. 

This kid looks so much like her dad. I should have named her "Erica." lol

I am so happy for my oldest to have a sister. They love each other SO much.

Even though sometimes their relationship looks more like this....

[Picture below] See what I mean? Father's daughter. 
And where on earth is this kid's mother!?! Holy soggy diaper, Batman! 
This is what she does every time she climbs up on something (blame my neglect on her being the second child). Super Baby to the max!

Little L started walking by ten months and quickly advanced to running. Now all she wants to do is climb things, which can be exhilarating....until she realizes she has no idea how to get back down.

My baby is quiet and sweet, always smiling. Content and happy, laughs all the time. Blue-eyed and blond, loves tickles and snuggles and good morning kisses... Can't get enough of her!

We are so thankful for her life! 

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