Saturday, March 19, 2011

T.M.S. (Total Mom Syndrome)

Sometimes it's really hard being a mom. I love caring for my baby, but I feel like I am in "Mom mode" all the time. Nurturing, caring, making sure everyone is O.K. Diagnosis? Total Mom Syndrome. It's perfectly fine for me to be this way with Alexandria. If I wasn't, I might be worried. But lately, I am even beginning to be like this with my friends. Letting them know when to be careful, warning them of possible rough spots ahead to look out for, making them dinner so they eat something healthy that day, giving them advice, analyzing their relationships, letting them know they are loved... I don't know how they feel about it, but I know it is definitely beginning to annoy me.

Soooo, where is the switch that I can turn off and on so that when my kid goes to bed at night I can be the care-free, "un-mom" version of myself? And I don't want to be a Mom to my friends! I must make it stop!

I took a spiritual gifts assessment this week and surprise! Guess what my top 3 are? No, don't guess, I will just tell you and you can laugh (if you know me, that is...).

1) Wisdom
2) Discernment
and tied for 3) Exhortation and Shepherding/Pastoral Care

I laughed when I read the results, and Eric laughed along with me. Partly because it is so true in certain contexts, and partly because in a typical church setting (which this test was designed for) the answers are completely and utterly absurd. So there you go. I am even an annoying Mom in my spiritual giftings....blessed with enough common sense to wrap around the earth three times.

(If you need any, let me know. I am happy to share.)

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