Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Morning Thoughts

I suppose I have let my blog become rather boring this month. Part of the reason is because I was out of town for three weeks out of April, and the other part is probably because our lives are so ordinary right now - perhaps even a bit mundane.

After coming home from Nebraska and then Mexico, I have been home. Keeping up with the piles of dishes, sweeping, general home upkeep, and baby-chasing. Lexi and I took a trip to the Laundromat yesterday morning in the midst of a timely spring downpour. I spent the better part of three hours feeding her cheerios one by one (and as spaced out as possible) to try and keep her in her stroller just a little longer while the clothes washed and then dried in the huge swirling machines. She made lots of friends (as usual) and was met by many smiles. It was peaceful. Normal. And just a bit boring. The good kind of boring. The kind of boring where you are doing something to help your family, such as cooking a meal, cleaning the house, and washing the clothes - even though the results of your efforts seem to be so short sighted. Because as soon as the task is accomplished, there is always something else next in line. And the cycle continues.

Eric and I have been doing a lot of talking and planning on how we can be more intentional and purposeful with our lives in relation to God's Kingdom. We have joined forces with another couple who is interested in serving in our community and spent last night brainstorming together about what kinds of things we can do. I feel God's presence in this. Like He has been waiting a long time for us to finally figure this out, and now His excitement is tangible. Pulsing. Causing us to move. Finally.

We have made contact with our local World Relief office about "adopting" a refugee family that is new to Chicago (Albany Park, specifically - our neighborhood) and is in need of a warm welcome. We have also contacted them about having a family picture night at the World Relief Center, where refugee families can come and have their pictures taken for free (by us - might as well use our talents and equipment as long as we have them!).

There are lots of other ideas, and of course, none are set in stone, but it's crazy how this God of ours works. As soon as our eyes and hearts opened to hear and obey His voice, the opportunities to join Him are becoming overwhelming. Exciting even. I have a feeling that as we begin to follow God where He leads us, our lives are going to change dramatically.

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