Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Smart husbands sleep in flannel

After several years (2 and a half to be exact) of arguing with Eric about flannel sheets in the winter (him being for the sheets, and me being against), I caved in and with a loud, obnoxious sigh, put them on his Christmas list for his parents to take note of. I mean, I was nice enough to put them on his list, but I certainly wasn't going to be the one to buy them! So Christmas comes along and of course he gets them and I smile and say thank you with him while imagining myself for the next 3 months soaked in sweat every night during a disturbed fitful sleep where the damned flannel sheets are completely to blame for my zombie-like composure the next day and my trailer-park style of mothering.

Nonetheless, I packed them up in the car, we drove home, and then they sat on the floor in their package for two weeks while I gave myself pep talks and such while trying to convince myself that sleeping on the lumpy futon in the living room wouldn't be that bad... And then maybe Lexi would finally learn to sleep through the night since I wouldn't be in the bedroom to hear her whenever she wakes up.

So I put it off day after day until finally our sheets really needed to be changed (due to a certain sneezing, snotty-nosed baby that somehow shows up in our bed early every morning) and so I bit the bullet and just did it. Eric came in the bedroom as I was finishing putting the cute brown and blue plaid fitted sheet on the mattress and cheerfully (a bit too cheerfully I might add) pitched in and helped me with the rest. When it came time to climb into bed last night, I lifted the blankets on our bed in our chilly room and, fully expecting to be accosted by the icy cold blast of freezing 100% cotton sheets (as I experience every night with a certain nostalgic relish), I quickly slid my body underneath them.

It was crazy. I was already warm! There was no cold blast of sheets that usually takes about 5 minutes of shivering to fully warm up! And then I woke up 8 hours later. NOT sweaty. In fact, I slept better than I have in a while.

So we can keep the flannel sheets. Because let's face it: they're awesome. Also, they're clean.
Now I'm thinking about the last two freezing winters we have had and wishing that I was born with just a little more common sense like my wise and smart husband, Eric.

1 comment:

  1. i have to say: I do love some flannel sheets. There's just something about them...
