Friday, July 15, 2011

A True Sense of the Word


Spunky - spirited; plucky.

Ad 1. spunky - showing courage; feisty.

spirited - displaying animation, vigor, or liveliness

2. spunky - willing to face danger

brave, courageous - possessing or displaying courage; able to face and deal with danger or fear without flinching.


This summer, Lexi's personality is shining. She is strong, independent, willfull, intensely curious, always moving and active, and full of laughter and fun. She has found her legs and her voice in the past several months, and talks, sings, and dances constantly. At 14 months, she can verbally say: Please, thank you, more, NO!, yes, nigh-night, all done, be-bo (belly button - blame it on the hippo), teeth (brush teeth), shoes (her first word), Mama, Dada, woof woof (EVERY time she hears a dog bark) and her favorite word - "THIS!" while pointing at various objects for me to name. She is learning to use the potty and likes to chat with all the sesame street characters that are printed on her special seat.

Lexi loves people, dogs, climbing in and out of her stroller, bubbles, water, puddles, digging in the dirt (maybe this is why she loves dogs so much...), investigating trash at the park, hugging Brielle (the 11 month old baby that also lives with us), eating food off of my plate, biting when she doesn't get her way (we are working on that...), drinking ice cold milk out of a sippy cup, dancing to music, laughing at herself, making everything into a game, and climbing anything that she can hoist herself onto.

Lexi is also the proud owner of her very own life jacket. Which will come in handy this next week when she decides to dive out of the canoe for a solo swim (yes, it is inevitable)

in the Muskegon river. We anticipate lots of fun, as well as a very wet baby. But knowing Lexi, she will probably be able to paddle the canoe on her own by the end of the first hour, so I'm not too worried. :)

1 comment:

  1. Thank you soo much for this post! The picture is absolutely adorable and I love hearing Lexi's life updates! I can hardly believe how much she's changed since I saw her last! Can't wait to hear all the canoe trip stories... I'm sure they'll be interesting, to say the least.
